GMV contributes with its technology to disease prevention and adherence to a healthy lifestyle

GMV has finalized the technological developments that will enable the healthcare services in the Canary Islands and Valencia to promote personalized and precision medicine using big data and artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare and the promotion of healthy lifestyles.
GMV has worked on the Medicina Personalizada Big Data (MedP-Big Data*) project in two phases. In the first phase, eight use cases were developed with competitive dialogue with two other companies. Three focused on analyzing the capabilities of predictive analytics, based on natural language processing (NLP) and image and data processing. The other five focused on promoting healthy habits by developing an app called Cuidat-e, which involved the participation of over 4,000 voluntary individuals from the Canary Islands and the Valencian Community.

This app collects information about users' eating habits, physical activity, emotional state, possible addictions, or unwanted loneliness to personalize healthy habit recommendations for each user profile. It also provides access to healthy menus and recipes, physical activities, and tailored recommendations and tracks trends in eating, exercise, and mood.
The large volumes of data—technically referred to as big data—processed in the project are a valuable asset from which evidence can be extracted by applying AI, thereby assisting healthcare professionals in clinical decision-making. Specifically, this technology will be crucial for earlier diagnosis of patients with prevalent pathologies or rare diseases. It will also assist in direct and remote care by healthcare professionals and alternative virtual assistance systems.
It is worth noting that, in the second phase, the project continued to be implemented with GMV as the sole contractor, covering up to 10 additional use cases and expanding on some of the use cases from the previous phase, such as the Cuidat-e case, with the same objective: improving personalized care by using artificial intelligence and big data.
Significant examples of innovative technologies and use cases in this second phase include the development of bots for pre-consultation or telephone follow-up with patients, support for patients with clinical prescriptions to reduce drug consumption, tools to speed up the pre-selection of candidates for studies or clinical trials, and the transcription of consultations using an intelligent voice recorder.

(*) The Medicina Personalizada Big Data project, as part of the Public Procurement of Innovation through the FID Salud Program, has been co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with 85% of the budgeted 3,833,774 euros for the Canary Islands Health Service, and 50% of the budgeted 2,000,000 euros for the Generalitat through a grant from the Ministry of Science and Innovation totaling 4,258,707.90 euros.
The technological development of MedP-Big Data project IS complete. This project aims to improve personalized patient care, health promotion, prevention, and treatment using big data and artificial intelligence (AI)
The project will enable the healthcare services in the Canary Islands and Valencia to promote personalized and precision medicine
This is an example of a national project whose use cases could be applied to any current healthcare service