It’s Big Data a style or a necessity?

GMV has been part of the round table at the University Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid (URJC) about trends in Big Data

GMV has been part of the round table at the University Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid (URJC) about trends in Big Data, with the participation of José Carlos Baquero, Head of Software Engineering & Development Division at GMV. The aim is to use the debate to include it in a MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses) on Data Analysis and Big Data, in order to help graduates in the course to learn more about this world from experts in the field.

During the debate discussed they talk about the importance of Big Data, is it just a fashion or is it here to stay?, and they deliberated whether the company should reflect on how it affects them and how to use its advantages. In addition, participants of the round table shared their concerns about the standardization of Big Data platforms (and initiative), collaborative environments where data scientists and engineers work in a flexible way, as well as the automation of the Integration of Data. At the end of the day, they discussed about career prospects of specialized profiles in Big Data Analysis, in which all participants agreed on the necessity of these profiles in the industry sector.

Big Data has become the primary key of the strategy that every company should have. We have seen how in the news, events, presentations and rankings of trends has appeared the Big Data concept as one of the protagonists, considered by many people as the oil of the twenty-first century.


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