The use of existing Big Data to improve healthcare: the Spanish contribution

Inmaculada Pérez Garro, Manager of GMV’s healthcare sector, input her knowledge of Big Data applications

EIT Health and IESE Business School called together a Think Tank of hospital managers, physicians, researchers, academics, consultants and technologists to discuss " The use of existing Big Data to improve healthcare: the Spanish contribution ". Inmaculada Pérez Garro, Manager of GMV’s healthcare sector, input her knowledge of Big Data applications in research, disease prevention and personalized medicine, among other topics. Her experience in leading national and European Big Data healthcare projects was expressed in an eminently practical presentation on the impact on peoples’ healthcare of mining clinical and epidemiological data.

IESE Business School was the venue for this encounter, which debated burning issues that are crucial for the ongoing progress of the new digital healthcare. Jan-Philip Beck, CEO of EIT Health, kicked off the working session by presenting a report drawn up by EIT’s Healthcare Working Group.

Some of the key subjects dealt with in this event’s presentations and debates were all the following: the exchange of medical records; the use of information for improving disease diagnosis; striking the right balance between transparency and privacy in compiling and storing data; limits laid down by law; the adoption of instruction and training programs to meet the new needs generated by Big Data; reinforcement of data science subjects in syllabi; the creation of a code of conduct to ensure secure collaboration between the public and private sectors … etc.


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