GMV partners the European Space Tech Transfer Forum 2019


On April 25 Warsaw hosted the European Space Tech Transfer Forum, an international event dedicated to the transfer of space technologies both within the sector and to other branches of the economy.

The conference program was thematically broad in order to allow technology transfer issues to be analyzed on many levels. It included among others, discussion panels, review of modern technologies, as well as ARP Innovation Pitch 4Space - a pitching session presenting solutions created in the space sector and adapted to other industries. ESTTF visitors also had the opportunity to take part in B2B meetings and seek expert advice on topics from various areas: from legal and patents through business to technology.

The main part of the conference was opened by Frank Salzgeber. As the European Space Agency’s Head of Innovation and Ventures Office, he is overseeing the world’s largest space entrepreneurship network. Other speakers included representatives of the European GNSS Agency, the Polish Space Agency, the Industrial Development Agency JSC and the Polish Space Industry Association as well as members of leading Polish and global space companies.

The European Space Tech Transfer Forum 2019 was organized by the European Space Agency and the Industrial Development Agency. GMV was the event Partner.


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