PRODUCTIO, the GMV-led CDTI project, kicks off

PRODUCTIO, the GMV-led CDTI project, kicks off

PRODUCTIO (PROductivity InDUstrial EnhanCement through enabling TechnlOgies) is a project involving a multi-sector and multidisciplinary national R&D consortium with the aim of “researching into diverse technologies, techniques, tools, methodologies and knowledge intended to increase the operational capability of industrial processes (Overall Equipment Efficiency: OEE) in the context of interconnected industry 4.0”, in the words of Miguel Hormigo, GMV’s Industry 4.0 Project Manager. The project will facilitate the adoption of maintenance and productive solutions in interconnected industry and encourage digital confidence by means of new security approaches.

The kick-off meeting has recently been held, inaugurated by Luis Fernando Álvarez-Gascón, CEO of GMV Secure e- Solutions, chaired by Miguel Hormigo, Southern-Region Manager of GMV Secure e-Solutions and with the presence of several CEOs and innovation managers of the participating firms: Gonvarri, Fagor Arrasate, Hiperbaric, Zener, Industria PuigJaner, Tecnomatrix and some of the collaborating companies and organizations like the Technological Institute of Castilla y León (Instituto Tecnológico de Castilla y León), Tecnalia, Eurecat and Ikerlan.

GMV is leading said consortium, which is focusing on research into new technologies to improve industrial maintenance processes, which help to forecast anomalies and faults, reducing downtime and increasing machine availability. Technology like artificial intelligence in predictive maintenance in blanking line facilities; predictive and assisted maintenance for maintaining worldwide machine distribution; trailblazing manufacturing technology related to interconnected industry 4.0 that supports decision-making in the production and maintenance phase; forecasting of system faults and formulae for boosting the overall efficiency of industrial-process using Big Data analytical tools; in short, gleaning knowledge for turning machines/tools, firstly, into cyber-physical systems that can improve aspects of reliability, performance, availability, productivity and quality; and, secondly, into technology for ensuring the integrity of sensor data and heading off fraudulent use.

As Miguel Hormigo stressed, “this project will pool the particular goals of participating firms and organizations around a core of common interest: boosting productivity and competitiveness of Spain’s industry while converting the project into an Industry 4.0 benchmark”.

GMV is participating in two of the sixteen projects approved by Spain’s Industrial Technology Development Center (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial: CDTI), in its 2016 call, of the Strategic Program of National Business Research Consortia (Programa Estratégico de Consorcios de Investigación Empresarial Nacional: CIEN), which finances large-scale experimental industrial R&D projects carried out collaboratively by business groupings.


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