The Chief of the Army’s Logistic Support Command visits GMV

On 4 September GMV’s Tres Cantos head office received a visit from Lieutenant General Juan B. García Sánchez, Chief of the Spanish Army’s Logistic Support Command (Mando de Apoyo Logístico del Ejército: MALE), accompanied by General Carlos de la Fuente Chacón, Director of Armament Systems (Sistemas de Armas) and other personnel from his cabinet.

After some words of welcome from Ricardo Torrón, GMV Director, the visit was organized in various parts. First of all the General Manager of Homeland Security and Defense, Manuel Pérez Cortés, presented the company’s main business lines, focusing on GMV’s activities with the Ministry of Defense and also future business prospects.

In the second part of the visit GMV personnel showed the Lieutenant General Chief of the Army’s Logistic Support Command several up-and-running systems, such as the unified fire-support and operation planning and execution system, TALOS; the Command and Control System for Company and Section of the Future Combat System (Combatiente Futuro: COMFUT); the Mobile ISTAR Operating system (Sistema de Explotación ISTAR Móvil: SEISMO), developed as one of the national systems to support Spanish participation in the multinational MAJIIC program (SAPEM program); plus GMV’s capabilities in equipment development and maintenance, such as the COMFUT computer, the UAV ATLANTE flight computer, in charge of the aircraft’s navigation, guidance and control, and the perimeter-surveillance and access-control systems.

GMV also presented some of its space activities, highlighting its leadership as supplier of ground control systems for operators of commercial telecommunications satellites.

The JMALE showed a keen interest throughout, not only in the growth of GMV’s business but also the company’s proven technological capacity in the various markets it trades in, as well as its unflinching commitment to quality and competitiveness.


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