Award for our work developing female talent

The ASTI Foundation granted GMV its Best Company award on 7 February as part of the third edition of the foundation’s annual STEM Talent Girl Awards, which recognize the best female talent in STEM fields and the work of companies and institutions to support and encourage this talent.
This recognition highlights GMV’s work developing and implementing a cross-cutting strategy aimed at furthering the professional development of women in STEM fields. These awards are supported by the regional government of Castilla y León’s Ministry of Families and Equality and are part of the STEM Talent Girl program designed to bring about change in education and achieve a greater balance between male and female students in STEM courses.
GMV, through its female employees, has been working with the STEM Talent Girl program since its first edition in 2016. This has translated into mentoring sessions, workshops, talks, and master classes in which the women of GMV draw on their experience and knowledge to encourage the new generation participating in the program to pursue careers in science and technology and support them on their academic journeys.
GMV is also involved in other equal opportunity initiatives that seek to foster female students’ talent by providing role models and empowering these students to become engineers, physicists, architects, biotechnologists, data analysts, or any other kind of STEM professional they want to be.