Progress on the PROMENADE project

PROMENADE (ImPROved Maritime awarENess by means of AI and BD mEthods) is a cooperation and R&D project, co-funded by the European Union within the Horizon 2020 framework program. Launched in October 2021, the main objective of this program is to improve ship tracking systems and develop tools to detect anomalous behavior automatically using artificial intelligence.
In the interest of improving safety of navigation and further advancing the program, PROMENADE has announced the establishment of communication synergies with other Horizon 2020 projects.
These include joining the BES Cluster (Border External Security), a grouping of projects that seeks collaboration and mutual support in order to identify solutions to the various challenges, generate knowledge and identify best practices. The second synergy has been established with the EU-funded METICOS project, which seeks to create an acceptance classification scheme as well as a scorecard of the social and ethical impact of border control technologies to train three major subdivisions of the border control sector: travelers, border control authorities and service providers.
For this purpose, METICOS focuses on established models and theories, such as the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the Unified Theory of Technology Acceptance and Use (UTAUT) and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory. Finally, PROMENADE announced the synergy with the NESTOR project, also funded by the EU, which aims to safeguard and protect European land and maritime borders and its main challenge is to address this development in a holistic manner following the concept of integrated European border management.
In addition, in recent months PROMENADE has participated in several workshops and events organized by different international organizations. Special mention should be made of the participation of Juan Grenner, GMV’s defense project engineer, in the European Defence Agency's workshop on the application of artificial intelligence in the defense and security field.
GMV, through its participation in PROMENADE, is reinforcing its strategy in the field of maritime surveillance by working with benchmark companies and end users in this domain.