Digital transformation, GMV designs future

Luis Fernando Álvarez-Gascón, Director General of GMV Secure e-Solutions

Luis Fernando Álvarez-Gascón, Director General of GMV Secure e-Solutions, explained in an interview with ComputerWorld the actions and strategies that are being following GMV Secure e-Solutions and its predictions for the digital transformation that we are living.

During the dialogue, the CEO explained what is and what offers GMV Secure e-Solutions, how focused the digital transformation, what are the prospects for long-term and what strategies are being carried out in the company.

Speaking about how GMV focused the digital transformation, he mentioned that the company has emerged as a partner providing the best technological tools to develop the strategy of large organizations, focusing on customer needs and offering high security services.

Finally, analyzing the prospects and strategies of the company, Luis Fernando commented one of the visions of GMV to achieve its objectives; internationalization, specifically tailored services and new developments.

Full interview with ComputerWorld: Video interview of Luis Fernando Álvarez-Gascón


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