GMV and Azierta join forces to provide innovation in the technology and health area

GMV and Azierta have signed a Collaboration Agreement for the creation and implementation of innovating technology and health projects for their clients.

AZIERTA is a new concept of health service firm. It is a scientific department by contract specializing in the areas of medicine, regulation, quality, pharmacovigilance, institutional relations and market access. Results oriented, it complements the client’s scientific structure whether in interim management or in the medium or long term, with no increase of fixed costs.

AZIERTA works for health firms (pharmaceutical laboratories, food or health-device firms), and also for private and public authorities looking out for healthcare professionals, patients and consumers (scientific societies, professional and trade associations, associations of patients and foundations).

GMV is a private technological business group trading on a worldwide scale. Founded in 1984, GMV offers solutions, services and products in diverse sectors: aeronautics, banking and finances, space, defense, healthcare, security, transport, telecommunications, information technologies for the public and private sector.

GMV’s goal is to support clients’ processes on the strength of hi-tech solutions, integrated systems and specialized products and services. Its activities take in the whole life cycle of the system, ranging from consultancy and engineering services up to the development of software and hardware, the integration of turnkey systems and operational support.

Under the agreement reached between both companies GMV will input its knowledge and expertise in the use of new technologies and the development of health service software while Azierta will contribute its experience in the consultancy and management of scientific projects.


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