DevOps: optimizing business performance

Together with IT Digital Media Group, GMV and Dynatrace have drawn up a document explaining why DevOps is so necessary, how to set it up and the benefits it brings, etc.

In the current IT scenario, with the digital transformation firmly in minds of the whole executive team, one of the buzzwords is DevOps. This term is understood as a methodology calling for a collaborative business culture combining persons, processes, practices and tools to boost the capacity of delivering top-quality, tested and functional software rapidly within any production process. The level of compliance with this working philosophy has now come to be seen as a touchstone of the maturity of any organization’s software development processes; it is by now considered to be vital for improving business performance and obtaining the best possible results.

By following the DevOps methodology, unifying development processes and teams with those of operations, we can be sure of bringing and keeping software development work under proper control, ensuring an error-free result and boosting responsiveness and efficiency. Furthermore, the various activities carried out under the DevOps umbrella, such as continuous integration, quality controls, automatic deployments or code identification of infrastructure, speed up deliveries, increase reliability, promote collaboration and favor continuous improvement of practices and procedures.

But just why is DevOps something that all firms need? How can it be set up within organizations? What other benefits does it bring? GMV and Dynatrace, together with IT Digital Media Group, have drawn up a document dealing with all these matters. In terms of the benefits, Pablo Iglesias, Solutions Architect of GMV’s Secure e-Solutions sector, and Jose Manuel Alcocer, Partner Manager of Dynatrace, spoke about the benefits that DevOps can bring to an organization, speeding up the software development cycle while it also enhances collaboration between teams and drives IT operations as a whole. As partners, GMV and Dynatrace, round out each other’s range with a complete DevOps solution to optimize business performance; as clients and providers we explain how GMV applies Dynatrace’s automation and measuring solutions in its own practices. Roberto Galán, speaking as Chief Software Architect of GMV’s Secure e-Solutions sector, looked at the best way of striking a sure path towards the digital transformation with DevSecOps.

We at GMV have always strongly advocated and sought security compliance in the development cycle. This is one of our hallmarks; while bringing DevOps into our firm we have therefore moved naturally towards a DevSecOps approach. GMV firmly believes that security is not at loggerheads with speed and responsiveness; in fact it adds value in each and every one of any project’s whole lifecycle.


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