GMV offers advanced cloud systems with Jelastic

GMV has signed a collaboration agreement with Jelastic, Inc., the first company to combine unlimited PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) in one solution, enabling both companies to offer their clients advanced cloud options.

GMV intends to use Jelastic’s Private Cloud in its internal development and testing processes and also offer it to clients seeking a profitable solution for cloud development of their management and development processes.

GMV has now thoroughly tested Jelastic's solution, deploying applications on its platform and observing Jelastic’s functions and performance. The result was a perfect balance between ease of use, the functionalities within Jelastic, the performance results and the roadmap ahead, including Docker support.

In the words of Ruslan Synytsky, Jelastic’s CEO " Our cooperation with GMV is a perfect step forward in strengthening our Private Cloud direction and it will help us to enlarge our business opportunities within EU and Latin America markets. GMV is an important IT company that is servicing a large number of industries such as banking, insurance, defense, security, healthcare, telecommunications, and information security, and we are providing them with IT solutions and services to meet their needs".

"The alliance with Jelastic will allow us to continue offering technologically advanced solutions to our customers, with shorter development time and giving them greater horizontal and vertical scalability. The integration of our development tools with their platform will give us a quantum leap in the improvement of safety related processes and software quality. Jelastic offers a pioneer cloud platform with total integration between PaaS and IaaS in the frame of the technologies GMV dominates. We are convinced that collaboration between the two companies is perfect,” said Miguel Hormigo, Director of Southern Regional Delegation of GMV Secure e-Solutions.




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