GMV develops space-debris services for ESA

GMV is one of the undisputed European leaders in providing services to deal with the space-debris threat. 

GMV developed ESA’s first operational collision risk assessment software (CRASS). CRASS is still being used today in the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany, to avoid ESA mission collisions. 

GMV has also supplied collision risk assessment tools within its own operational flight dynamics systems for HISPASAT, EUTELSAT, INTELSAT and Galileo, among others. Within this same area GMV has led development of ESA’s operational collision risk assessment system (CPS), the reentry prediction system (RPS) and the space-object-catalogue access system (CQS). 

Recently, through its Polish subsidiary (GMV Innovating Solutions, Sp. z o.o), GMV has won a new ESA contract for developing the operational system for detection and analysis of space-object fragments (FAS). This new system will detect satellite explosions and spaceobject collisions on the basis of a catalogue and analyze development of the subsequent fragment clouds.


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