Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Corporate High School+Workplace at GMV 05/04/2024 Print Share GMV is once again participating in 4º ESO+Empresa (High School+Workplace), the Madrid regional government’s program to familiarize students with different professional opportunities. As part of this initiative, we welcomed 40 students aged 15 and 16 to our Madrid headquarters to show them what it’s like to work at a technology multinational company such as GMV.This year’s edition saw us host the largest group of students since we started participating in this program, which speaks to their interest in the activities and projects we carry out.The 4º ESO+Empresa program is for students in their fourth year of Obligatory Secondary Education at publicly funded schools and takes place over three days at companies, organizations, or institutions. The goal is to help students make decisions about their academic and, by extension, professional futures.The first group (20 students) spent their three days at GMV from 18 to 20 March, and the second group (20 students) had their turn from 2 to 4 April. For 4 hours each day, students from different schools had an immersive experience at GMV and its various teams, depending on their interests. Robotics, avionics, space exploration, satellite control centers, cybersecurity, and IT systems were the business areas where the students received guidance from GMV staff.GMV participates in these kinds of initiatives for young people to channel talent towards technology sectors. Following their time at the organization, the students reported that it was a highly engaging and positive experience and expressed interest in continuing to learn about GMV’s work. Print Share Related Corporate GMV celebrates the incorporation of 90 new interns Corporate GMV celebrates one year of its internal K2 AI project with the participation of Edurne Pasaban Corporate Together, we go further