Notable Participation by GMV at the Spanish Congress on ITS

In April, GMV took part in the 24th edition of the Spanish Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems. The event, held between April 23 and 25 under the theme "ITS as a Critical Tool for Mobility Digitalization", took place once the corresponding tenders for the European Union's Next Generation funds allocated to the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan had been approved, with twelve thematic areas to be dealt with: pay-per-use on roads, tunnels, cooperative systems and autonomous mobility, interurban traffic management, environment, the implementation of Low Emission Zones, Smart Cities, data and models for mobility management, public transport, digitization of payment in public transport, mobility as a service, and logistics.
GMV, which sponsored the event, had its own stand where attendees could learn about the ITS solutions being developed by the company. Several GMV experts also took part in lectures and panels, such as Cesar Lucas Gracia, who spoke on the strategies to use when migrating ITS systems in production to the latest generation of ITS system, focusing on how to minimize the impact to users and control systems, which is possible thanks to the versatility of GMV teams.
Beatriz García Navarro spoke about autonomous vehicles and the need for equipment that enables vehicles to be aware of their surroundings and exchange information with other vehicles (V2V) and with intelligent road infrastructures (V2I). With this aim, Garcia Navarro noted that Road Steel Engineering is developing a new generation of traffic barriers that includes a control unit with various sensors to monitor the barriers. “This control unit will be connected to RSUs and through the use case developed by GMV on both the RSU and OBU sides, utilizing the management and configuration tool for these devices (the C-ITS Hub), these barriers will be able to send information to vehicles traveling on the road. In this use case, GMV has integrated the available information using IEEE 802.11p and 3GPP (C-V2X)/PC5. The implementation and rollout of these communications aim to expand the information available to vehicles, thereby increasing their level of caution or anticipation of certain risk situations.”
Also speaking at the Spanish Congress on ITS was Javier Miller, who gave a talk on the progress of GMV's ITS systems for Cyprus. “The development of ITS systems for Cyprus includes the management of school routes through a mobile application that will perform the functions of CAD and validation system. This enables monitoring and supervision of the school transportation service and student access to the vehicles authorized for the service with no need to install complex on-board hardware components. Being added to the field of sale and validation systems are account-based ticketing (ABT), the option to pay by card, and the use of debit and credit cards as an ID card for passengers’ accounts”.