GMV protects Thailand’s ATMs

GMV’s solution for protecting ATMs from cyberfraud, checker ATM Security® , has been making unstoppable headway round the world for some years, especially in South America and Europe. The turn has now come for Thailand.

The Bank of Ayudhya, with the collaboration of Loxbit, GMV’s local partner, and Eurotechzam, GMV’s global Checker distribution partner, has now bought checker ATM Security® licenses.

This purchase gives the bank cast-iron malware protection. checker ATM Security® controls process execution, filters out unpermitted network connections and controls access to ATM resources such as files with sensitive information or hardware devices like USB ports or the banknote dispenser.

With this new purchase in Thailand GMV has now broken into yet another international market, with a potential of 50,000 ATMs. 

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