Coimbra Space Summer School

- How Space contributes to our day-to-day?

- The Space bring business and scientific opportunities?

- What kind of knowledge, technologies and information result from special missions?

- Can we create new services and products for others areas using space resources?

Coimbra Space Summer School has the intention to explore the world through the Space!

During 3 days (from 12 to 14 of September of 2018), students, researchers and businesses are invited to explore the space economy. The 4th edition of Coimbra Space Summer School will consists in a program with several activities, combining the sharing of knowledge, networking between people, entities and companies related to Space.

GMV will be part of the discussion has the Space sector leader. Teresa Ferreira, Director of Space at GMV in Portugal will integrate the debate panel on the last day of the event with the goal to discuss the future and challenges of Space in Portugal.

This event will also have has special invitee João Lousada, GMV employee and analog astronaut.



12/09/2018 - 14/09/2018

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