Recognition of Innovation - FEI

On the upcoming 15 November in Madrid, the Forum of Innovating Firms Foro de Empresas Innovadoras (FEI), will be awarding its "Recognitions of Innovation” to reward outstanding innovation-related work by Spanish companies, organizations and public figures.

GMV, a company with innovation running as a common thread through all its technological projects, is collaborating with FEI to drive an innovation culture in businesses, universities, the government and, in general, all fields bound up with the generation of knowledge.

The award winners this year were:
- Best innovating researcher 2016: David Ríos Insúa, Professor of Statistics and Operational Research of Rey Juan Carlos University and Vicechairman of the Royal Academy. Since September 2014 he has been professor of CSIC’s AXA-ICMAT Chair in Adversarial Risk Analysis.
- Innovating firm 2016: NIMGENETICS, a private Spanish biomedical firm specializing in the design and marketing of genetic clinical diagnosis services and products.
- Innovation-supporting organization or institution 2016: Científicos Españoles en el Reino Unido (CERU)/Spanish Researchers in United Kingdom (SRUK). This currently pools over 600 scientists from various areas of knowledge and career stages (including pre- and post-doctoral researchers and students, tenure-holding scientists, professors and other non-research science professionals).



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