SSA Operators Worshop

GMV will be present at the Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Operators' Workshop, to be held from 14 to 17 November in Denver, Colorado.

The event, which brings together satellite operators from around the world, represents a unique chance to discuss best practices and security improvements of spaceflights. The workshop features presentations by satellite operators from commercial, civil, and government organizations, as well as SSA data providers. Technical sessions will cover the lifetime of a satellite from mission planning to final reentry.

GMV will be presenting the Commercial Collision Avoidance Service based on the JSpOC SP catalogue.

GMV’s focusoc Operations Centre is now being used by over 10 commercial-service operators to mitigate these problems. Focusoc’s set of operational tools have proven their worth in conjunction detection, collision risk assessment and collision avoidance (closeap) and for SST data processing and orbit determination (sstod), using state-of-the-art algorithms and supporting parallel processing. 


14/11/2018 - 17/11/2018

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