The fourth CODER Workshop is to be held online from 1 to 3 December. CODER is open to all who are involved or interested in any aspect of the growing space-debris threat posed to safe and secure spaceflights.

The 3-day workshop will involve various keynotes, technical presentations and panel sessions dealing with such subjects as Space Situational Awareness (SSA); the space environment; mitigation practices and technologies; remediation technologies and architectures, and space policy.

Alejandro Cano, a GMV engineer working in GMV’s Flight Dynamics and Operation (FDO) business unit, will be giving a paper under the title «Improving Covariance Realism through Consider Analysis in Orbit Determination».

The event is organized by the UMD Center for Orbital Debris Education and Research, in partnership with the Secure World Foundation, George Washington University Space Policy Institute (SPI) and the SDA Bocconni School of Management Space Economy Evolution (SEE) lab.


01/12/2020 - 03/12/2020

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