Defining a new future for smart, competitive, industry

Position your company at the cutting edge of innovation
At GMV, we work to improve our clients' processes, services, and products, developing technologies that increase the efficiency of the processes.
We develop technologically advanced solutions for automation, digitalization, and cybersecurity for leading industrial sectors, such as energy and utilities, manufacturing, automotive, food and beverage, and logistics.
We offer IoT/IIoT solutions and technologies, covering everything from system conceptualization to equipment development and implementation for predictive maintenance, monitoring, remote asset control, quality improvement, etc.
- Equipment: Design, construction and production of devices with specific characteristics.
- Networks: Installation and commissioning of IoT data networks.
- Edge: Design and commissioning of Edge Computing devices and solutions to optimize roll-outs.
- Platforms: Design, development and commissioning of IoT architectures, both on-premise and cloud.
- Applications: Development of IoT applications in devices and systems.
Development, implementation and maintenance of industrial systems and equipment that collect and process the data they receive from sensors, cells, cameras, field transmitters, and different technologies that they can include, such as artificial vision and artificial intelligence, to achieve production process optimization and efficiency.
- Autonomous Robotics:
- Integration of autonomous equipment operating in unknown environments, without human supervision (vendor agnostic).
- Hybrid indoor/outdoor circulation based on GNSS.
- Autonomous robot fleet management with advanced planning.
- Collaborative Robotics:
- We develop specific cells to enable equipment to execute specific tasks.
- Collaborative installations.
- Design and manufacture of claws.
- AI for integration with people.
- Industrial Robotics:
- We develop and build complete robotic cells to undertake process automation.
- Design and manufacture of claws.
Platform for the management and application of autonomous mobile robots
The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Vision tool for production control
We apply Artificial Intelligence to the operations, processes and physical systems of an industry, enabling monitoring, optimization or control of those operations, processes, and systems to improve their efficiency and functions, giving them greater autonomy.
For example, we use AI and deep learning to identify anomalies and predict hang-ups and inventory restocking.
Early detection of anomalies
We know where, how much, and when energy is consumed. We optimize energy performance to the maximum for facilities and industrial processes via smart technologies that have a positive effect on the environment, reduce waste, and increase reliability.
In addition, we generate automatic notifications and predictions on air quality and the quality of other resources, processing the information that is generated by the stations and measurement sensors in real time for subsequent analysis and optimization.
We elevate the level of cybersecurity in processes, systems, and critical industrial facilities and infrastructures, based on the life cycle of the ISA-62443 (ISA-99) security levels.
Diagnostics provide a clear view and an awareness of the current cybersecurity situation in industrial assets. We base ourselves on the standards and best practices defined by ISA, NIST, NERC, INCIBE, CCI, etc. As a result, we conduct intrusion tests, generate vulnerabilities, draft GAP analyses, define improvement plans, bolster teams, etc.
We equip IT/OT networks with the capabilities needed to identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover in the event of a cyber incident, minimizing the impact of cyber threats. These services include the redesign of networks, implementation of cybersecurity solutions on the network, such as data diodes and industrial firewalls, and security for data transfers between IIoT devices and the cloud.
Package of cybersecurity measures geared toward protecting the most critical connection point between the IT network and the OT network: the control centers. We implement FW/IDS at the border, apply whitelisting and bastioning in general purpose operating systems, create secure dual positions, monitor and log activity, etc.
PRODUCTIO (PROductivity InDUstrial EnhanCement through enabling TechnlOgies) is a multisector and multidiscipline R&D consortium headed by GMV to research different technologies, techniques, tools, methods ,and knowledge aimed at increasing the operating capacity of industrial processes within the framework of Industry 4.0.
Technology Areas:
- Platform 4.0
- Supply chain
- Advanced maintenance
- Cybersecurity