Internet of Everything & Learning Machine

The day-to-day situation of organizations’ has changed and will continue to do so as hitherto hazy trends crystallize in the managerial sphere of the business world. The fact is that terms such as virtual platforms, Big Data, Blockchain, IoT, Customer Experience, Collaborative Economy or Business Intelligence are now the order of the day in board meetings. The corollary to this development is that firms are in ever more pressing need of forward-looking leaders capable of steering them towards success.

With this aim in mind, on 5 June the Managerial Progress Association (Asociación para el Progreso de la Dirección:APD) is putting on an event in which digital leaders are to debate the key issues in tackling the digital present and future. In this third event of the series the session will be speaking of the Internet of Everything & Learning Machine and its applications in companies.

Miguel Hormigo, Manager of GMV’s Secure e-Solutions Industry Sector, is taking part in the debating panel (5 June, 11.00 hours) in representation of GMV as a firm already using IoE & Learning Machine technology.



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