TICBOX Seminar: Blockchain as the solution to a host of business challenges

What can Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) contribute to sectors as diverse as finance, insurance, logistics, industry and services? How do they knit in with other technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things or 5G? What technical and regulatory problems do they pose? How do they affect business models?

The Aragon Investigation, Development and Innovation Association (Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación en Aragón: IDIA) is putting on a seminar to clear up all these doubts and other questions begged by today’s vogue technology; Blockchain. Ángel Gavín, GMV Business Development Manager, is giving a paper to stimulate debate on the future Blockchain trends (12.30).



Source URL: https://www.gmv.com/media/events/ticbox-seminar-blockchain-solution-host-business-challenges