The future today: technologies that are changing us

On February 28, the GaiásTech Center of the Department of Technological Information in the Digital Society Area of the Agency for Technological Modernization of Galicia of the Xunta de Galicia, is hosting an event of disruptive technology with the title: “The future today: technologies that are changing us,” with the objective of bringing together the applications all these technologies have in companies’ day-to-day work and, consequently, see how they are applicable in the productive fabric.

José Carlos Baquero, director of AI and Big Data of GMV’s Secure e-Solutions, will take part in a discussion on Big Data in the health sector, which will be chaired by Beatriz Cocina, Counsel de Uría Menéndez, with participation also by Alberto Sánchez, Head of eHealth at Gradiant and Ernestina Menasalvas, a professor at the MIDAS Research Group.



09:30 AM - 06:15 PM


Gaiás Center Museum Building
Ciudad de la Cultura de Galicia

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