ATM Security 2016

ATM Security 2016 is Europe’s most important ATM security and fraud congress. Last year it attracted a turnout of 350 delegates from 41 different countries, proving itself to be a global event (36% of the audience was made up by banks or independent ATM deployers (IADs)). The conference is organised jointly by ATMIA Europe (ATM Industry Association) and RBR (Retail Banking Research), a strategic banking research and consulting firm.

GMV is one of the congress sponsors. Additionally, Juan Jesús León Cobos, Director of Products and New Developments of GMV Secure e-Solutions, and Eddie Lackie, Lead ATM Stack Engineer at Barclays Bank (UK), will be giving a paper titled "ATM Logical Security: adaptation to the new threats".


11/10/2016 - 12/10/2016

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