A hitchhiker’s guide to digitalization in Europe – the detour through space

In 2016 the European Commission made GMV a member of the Copernicus Relays network. Since then it has been busily working away to help develop the services of Europe’s earth observation program, Copernicus.

As a member of this network, GMV has been invited to take part in the event “A hitchhiker’s guide to digitalization in Europe – the detour through space” organized by CopHub.AC and CoRdiNet, and to be held online on 5 November.

Its aim is to take stock of the network’s achievements during the past two years as Horizon-2020 projects and further set the stage for the way forward to support regions in digitalization through adoption of Copernicus EO data and services.

Antonio Tabasco, head of the Remote Sensing & Geospatial Analytics Division - GMV Aerospace, is taking part in the roundtable discussion “Recipes for the successful digitalization by Earth Observation/Copernicus applications throughout European regions and industry sectors (Destination Earth, New Space)”




Source URL: https://www.gmv.com/media/events/hitchhikers-guide-digitalization-europe-detour-through-space