Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Space GMV cements its leadership in the third phase of the biggest European Commission’s space robotics program 05/02/2021 Print Share The European Commission (EC) has recently announced the three new third-phase projects of the Strategic Research Cluster (SRC) on space robotics technologies, coordinated by the PERASPERA project under the Horizon 2020 program (H2020). The first phase of this ambitious, groundbreaking endeavor involved six projects (three led by GMV) to tackle the design, manufacture and testing in representative environments of various high-performance robotic Common Building Blocks suitable for operation in orbital or planetary space projects. The main objectives of the second call, now drawing to a close, are the integration of the previously prepared Common Building Blocks for space robotics resulting from the first phase into demonstrators on ground, targeting specific applications of space robotics in the field of orbital and planetary (Lunar-Martian terrains) use. The remit of this third call, as far as on-orbit servicing missions are concerned, is, to take one more step towards a final demo in an orbital mission. Secondly, as far as planetary-exploration missions go, it aims to develop a robot-collaboration demonstrator in a Mars-like terrain. GMV’s performance in the first two phases has won the company the ranking of a strategic partner in the three new projects resulting from the third call (CoRoB-X, EROSS+ and PERIOD), keeping its responsibility for critical systems like the robotics components’ onboard autonomy systems and cooperation capability, while also contributing towards the guidance, navigation and control (GNC) systems. Print Share Related Space The 17th European Space Conference analyzes the future of European space with the participation of GMV Space GMV will develop a new version of the Galileo HAS high accuracy service data generator Space GMV awarded a prize by the British Embassy in Spain for its commitment to the space industry