Home Archiva Satellite and ground telemetry parameters archive Print Download brochure We fly them all! Satellite and ground telemetry parameters archive Archiva is a flexible analytical engine capable of remodeling, conducting trend analysis and data mining on your satellite mission telemetry and other data, for optimal resource use. Contact Us 2004 First year of operations for Archiva in the LEOP of the Eutelsat W3A satellite. 150 Approximate number of satellites guided with Archiva, including the Eutelsat, Arabsat, Hispasat, StarOne, SES, Turksat, Measat and OneWeb fleets. No. 1 Global leader in providing satellite control centers for telecommunications operators. 40% Commercial COMSAT launched in the past 10 years with the support of Archiva. Highlights Archive for processed telemetry (and other data) Series derived from statistics and algorithms Data mining (Machine Learning/artificial intelligence under development) Forecast (under development) Processing power. Driven by Grafana Clients Documents Hifly®'s License Agreement News TelecommunicationsAll Defense and Security OPTIMAS starts, the European project for cybersecure communications in free space with the collaboration of GMV Earth Observation Enhancing Earth Observation applications with Synthetic Data Telecommunications The GOVSATCOM Luxembourg Conference 2025 27 Feb More news