Robotics for Inspection and Maintenance (ROBIM)

GMV is taking part in the Workshop "Robotics for Inspection and Maintenance ROBIM)", organized by The Spanish Robotics and Mechatronics Network (Red Española de Robótica y Mecatrónica: REDROM) and the Spanish Society of Robotics Research and Development (Sociedad Española de Investigación y Desarrollo en Robótica: (SEIDROB) and to be held on the upcoming 7 July in the Spanish Engineering Institute (Instituto de la Ingeniería de España: IIE), Madrid.

The program includes interventions by representatives from all the following: the European Commission and euRobotics, the Industrial Technology Development Center (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial: CDTI) and companies, universities and research and technology centers. Between them they will be presenting the various robotics projects.

Juan Carlos Llorente, GMV’s Head of Robotics Business Development, will be taking part with the presentation "Foxiris: oil-& gas plant inspection and monitoring robot", in which he will be speaking about the project’s current state and the next steps to be taken, as well as the lessons learnt from market research and GMV’s participation in the Argos (Autonomous Robot for Gas & Oil Sites) Challenge, a competition for developing advanced robotics capacities for oil and gas sites.



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