Public-Administration Information System Governance

With the goal of sharing experience and driving ICTs in decision-making bodies, the Professional Association of the Higher State-Government Information Technology and Systems Corps (Asociación Profesional del Cuerpo Superior de Sistemas y Tecnologías de la Información de la Administración del Estado:ASTIC), in collaboration with the Spanish Chapter of the European IS Governance Club (Club Européen pour la Gouvernance des Systèmes d'Information: CEGSI), is organizing the conference “Public-Administration Information System Governance”.

During the afternoon of 15 February, Luis Fernando Álvarez-Gascón, President of the Spanish Chapter of CEGSI and CEO of GMV Secure e-Solutions, will be presenting the European IS Governance Club. Carlos Royo, GMV’s Healthcare Business Development Manager, will also be taking part by giving a paper on governance experience in public information systems.




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