Hifly family of products

The complete solution for satellite operations

General Information

Satellite mission control

Hifly® is the GMV satellite monitoring and control system that guides all the leading satellite platforms, with a combined total of 1,000 years of operational experience.


First year of operations for Hifly® in the LEOP of the Eutelsat W3A satellite.


Approximate number of satellites guided with Hifly®, including the Eutelsat, Arabsat, Hispasat, StarOne, SES, Turksat, Measat, and OneWeb fleets.

No. 1

Global leader in providing satellite control centers for telecommunications operators.


Commercial COMSAT launched in the past 10 years with the support of Hifly®.


Satellite mission control

  • Hifly® is the comprehensive solution for all your satellite mission control needs.
  • Guiding satellites since 2004, Hifly® has benefited from countless improvements covering operations and aspects related to performance, security, reliability, and usability, in addition to hundreds of “satellite years” of supported operations.
  • This unmatched operational equity is available today for your satellite, as Hifly® provides generic support for all major commercial satellite buses, leading baseband provider protocols, and the encryption units currently on the market.
  • We are outstanding in migrating from existing control centers to Hifly®-based solutions, including implementation, databases, historical data, telemetry viewing, and automated operational procedures.
  • Hifly® provides uniform operational support for satellites from any platform or manufacturer.
  • Scalability from just one satellite to mega-constellations of any size.
  • Operational concepts from manual to lights-out combined with Autofly and Flyplan products.
  • Unlimited customization, Hifly® adapts to the needs of our clients, not the other way around. Together we ensure that the implementation of Hifly® fully meets your needs.
  • Flexible licensing policy to make the most of your investment.
  • Hifly® uses generic hardware, in both physical and virtualized/dockerized implementations. We are continuously updating Hifly® so that it is compatible with the latest versions of commercial orbital transportation services hardware and software (operating systems, virtualization platforms, and dockerization).
  • Data published in open formats, enabling them to be used by external systems.
  • Exposed interfaces through application programming interfaces (APIs).
  • Accessible services using software development kits (SDKs).
  • Do you need the technical documentation and base source code to develop the product yourself? Reach out to us.
  • Hifly®: Satellite monitoring and control
  • Archiva: Satellite and ground telemetry parameters archive
  • Autofly: Satellite and ground procedure automation

Source URL: https://www.gmv.com/products/space/hifly-family-products