Call of media –Space Strategy in Portugal

GMV is a worldwide benchmark in areas such as satellite navigation or satellite-control centers, where GMV is still world number-one provider of Ground Control Systems (GCSs) for the various commercial telecommunications-satellite operators.

In Portugal, with a 100-strong staff, GMV is also playing a key role in Europe’s main space programs, such as Galileo, Copernicus or the Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) project. It has also contributed towards the 2030 space strategy presented by the Ministry of Science and Technology and is a founder member of the Air Center while also forming part of COLAB Atlântico.

On 30 May, under the banner “Space on Earth (O Espaço na Terra) GMV is holding a press conference to present the company’s space strategy and position.

The presentation will be given by Teresa Ferreira, GMV’s Space Manager in Portugal, with the collaboration of João Lousada, GMV member and analog astronaut, who will talk about his recent experience on the AMADEE-18 mission.


Wednesday, 30 May– 10:00 h
VIP Art’s Hotel
Avda. D. João II, Nº 47
1998-025 Lisbon

To find out more contact Neusa de Almeida



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