Symposium on Policy Impediments to Cybercrime

Over this two-day symposium the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG ) looks at how the GDPR could provide a data mobilization mechanism of benefit to all cybercrime-management stakeholders.

The four scheduled panels, to be moderated by experts working close to APWG’s sphere, will cover the following:

  • Forensic incident and application of the law, moderated by Mariano J. Benito Gómez (GMV)
  • Legal practice, moderated by Albert Agustinoy (Cuatrecasas)
  • Providers of services prone to e-crime, moderated by Jordi Kohn (CaixaBank)
  • Future players (a view of the expected scenarios once GDPR has been enforced), moderated by Jesse Sowell (Stanford Center for International Cooperation and Security)


31/05/2018 - 01/06/2018

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