On 17 September Munich (Germany) is hosting the 16th Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation (MoDeVVA).

The objective of MoDeVVa is to offer a forum for V&V and MDE researchers and practitioners. The main areas of interest in MoDeVVa are specification of properties for different MDE artefacts; V&V techniques for different MDE artefacts; analyzing the impact of changes in MDE artefacts on V&V and the need for incremental V&V; improving MDE artefacts to provide better support for V&V; MDE and V&V takeup in industry and the use of transformations to automate processes, among other issues.

GMV will be giving a paper entitled "Designing autonomous robotics systems: from models to functionally correct implementations" in which it will be speaking about the challenges met and results obtained in the space robotics project ERGO.



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