Home Communication Press Room Press Releases Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Corporate GMV joins UN Global Compact 06/10/2022 Print Share The Global Compact is the leading international initiative promoting corporate sustainability and responsibility GMV’s commitment is a testament to its aim of becoming an even more sustainable business and bolstering its activity around various targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) As a declaration of its firm commitment to innovation-led, progress-seeking sustainable development, technology multinational GMV has joined the United Nations Global Compact, a worldwide initiative. With this step, GMV takes up and assumes the legacy of one of its subsidiaries, which joined the Global Compact in 2014. The Global Compact is the world’s leading corporate sustainability initiative. Its primary mission is to call on the business sector to act in line with ten universally accepted principles on human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption. The Global Compact currently boasts a network of over 19,000 participating organizations from more than 160 countries and 70 local networks. Since its inception, GMV’s mission and vision have been underpinned by ethical values that permeate every level of the organization and are aligned with the very mission and vision of the Global Compact. GMV’s values rest on the promotion of ethical, honest, and upright behavior; equal opportunities and non-discrimination; information transparency and truthfulness and respect for its confidentiality; zero tolerance of corruption, bribery, money laundering and terrorist financing; strict compliance with the law and applicable regulations, such as the industrial and intellectual property rights of both GMV and third parties; responsible use of the company’s resources; and excellence and rigor in the fulfillment of responsibilities towards third parties. The Global Compact also carries the mandate of the United Nations to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the business sector. In this regard GMV has developed a wide range of projects and solutions in the various industries in which it operates, making notable contributions to achieving the goals adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015. The company’s commitment to this initiative is also a testament to its aim of becoming an even more sustainable business and bolstering its activity around various targets of the SDGs. GMV president, Mónica Martínez Walter, said: “At GMV we are driven to innovate for the benefit of our customers, employees, partners, and collaborators, but also for the wider public, acting ethically and responsibly through and through. All our projects, to some extent, should help to make the world a better place. The UN Global Compact promotes principles that further these business objectives. Our participation in the Compact is further evidence of GMV’s steadfast commitment to these principles.” More info: Corporate Marketing and Communications [email protected] Print Share Related Corporate GMV celebrates the incorporation of 90 new interns Corporate GMV celebrates one year of its internal K2 AI project with the participation of Edurne Pasaban Corporate Together, we go further