Home Communication Press Room Press Releases Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Corporate GMV and its employees donate 50,000 euros to the Food Bank 10/03/2021 Print Share By way of a "charitable toast" organized by GMV last Christmas, its employees decided to donate €35,860 to the Food Bank, topped up to €50,000 by the firm. This charitable gesture brings out the importance today of values such as generosity, fellow-feeling, cooperation and commitment, all of which form part of the DNA of GMV and all its staff. The donation was handed over to the Food Bank by GMV’s corporate manager of People Strategy & Infrastructures Ignacio Ramos Gorostiola. The COVID-19 pandemic means that many employee events now have to be held online, often including some of sort of charitable money-raising initiative. Such was the case of GMV’s traditional Christmas get-together, also organized online and ending up with a charitable toast. Mindful of the economic slump and food shortages caused by the pandemic, GMV’s employees decided to donate the proceeds of their "charitable toast" to the Food Bank. This sum of €35,860 was topped up to €50,000 by the firm itself, as announced by GMV President Mónica Martínez during the event. The Food Bank is one of the humanitarian organizations that are redoubling their efforts at the moment to deal with an avalanche of requests for food and basic necessities to fend off the healthcare, economic and social crisis unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This charitable gesture by GMV brings out the company’s cultural and corporate values, large amongst which loom generosity, fellow feeling, cooperation and commitment. What more natural, therefore, than to support the Food Bank’s humanitarian labors? This is only one outstanding example, moreover, of GMV’s charitable endeavors over recent months, whether at corporate or individual level, to limit the damage of this pandemic. The donation was handed over on 10 March by Ignacio Ramos Gorostiola, GMV’s corporate manager of People Strategy & Infrastructures, on behalf of the whole firm and its employees. Ignacio Ramos thanked the whole staff for this charitable gesture, standing as a fine example of the company’s corporate culture and its employees’ and collaborators’ fellow feeling with all those struggling to make ends meet in this current crisis. "Our support of the groups hardest hit by the pandemic is more necessary than ever. It’s really heartwarming to see how the whole GMV family has come together in this common endeavor to help those most in need at these truly difficult times". For more information: Marketing and Communication Bussiness Development, Marketing and Communication [email protected] Print Share Related Corporate GMV celebrates the incorporation of 90 new interns Corporate GMV celebrates one year of its internal K2 AI project with the participation of Edurne Pasaban Corporate Together, we go further